Sunday, 11 December 2016

I'm going to try and post daily!

Image result for love live gifsPlease don't quote me on that. It may never happen. Let's stick with every 2 days for a bit then. HeHeHe... Also, it seems I will be doing more image posts. Mabye I could do one for each love live ship... IDEAS EVERYWHERE!!! Also comment of you are idol trash like me, stuck in idol hell like me. And would you like some very bad quality scouting videos because they are filmed with my phone or my tablet? Where I talk for about half an hour straight?
Oh yes, I shall try and fail miserably. Like Nico-niis chest. Hahaha!

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Where else can you find me?

So, I've kind of just ran this very badly for a few years by myself, littering in any self-promotion whenever the chance presents it to ...