Tuesday, 25 November 2014

Winx club season 1 pjs

Awesome winx paper dolls by angela's winx world

The other day I was just looking around on some winx and mlp blogs, when I came across these awesome winx club paper dolls. the were handdrawn and very detailed,show accurate as well. There was 18pages of them! There wasalso another set ofmore modest paperdolls, because as well all know the winx normally were mid-driff tops and very shortskirts, so these will be better for younger audiences. And look at the detail!
Here is the link to them:

Equestria girls doll

Hi guys! Right now I am thinking of getting an equestria girls doll, but I don't know which one to get. I was hoping you could help me decide.

these are my choices:
rainbow rocks:
twilight sparkle
flutter shy
rainbow dash
pinkie pie
dollswith accsessories:
rainbow dash

please commentdown below wich one you think i should get. i will give the doll that i choose a reveiw when i get it. 
i ambying the doll from asda direct and right now they are having a half price sale on toys, but also the dolls are all outof stock right now.But anyways, here is a link to them so you can check them out!
The equestria girls dolls are at the bottom of the page.

Where else can you find me?

So, I've kind of just ran this very badly for a few years by myself, littering in any self-promotion whenever the chance presents it to ...