At the beginning, I don't think she really apealed to me but she plays the piano and I play the piano... You can see how it played out from there. Also, my first UR was a Maki. (Constallation Maki to be exact).
Again, she just never really appealed to me but at the same time I would probably be a bit like her.
Nver really caught my eye, but I love her solo song watashitachi wa mirai no hana (we are the flowers of our future). Also, he relation with Honoka in the show is really funny.
I think Nico is down there somewhere aswell.
So that is it. I can't decide, I love all of the girls so much all I know is my top girls and that's it. I can tell you it used to be Nico though but she's grown on me. Who's your least favourite girl? Tell me in the comments.